
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Liebster Award

Earlier I was going through my blog reading list and saw that Marilyn at Crafts and Beyond ( had a new post.  She was quite happy to receive a Liebster Award nomination.  How cool is that?!  She explained the award as follows: 

"This award was designed to promote blogs which have less than 200 followers. Once the award is accepted, the idea is to pay it forward to five other blogs you enjoy, encouraging others to visit, leave comments, and hopefully follow. To accept the award:
Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog. Post the award on your blog. Give the award to five other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

Write a comment on their blog letting them know they have been nominated."

What a great way to share blogs you enjoy following!  Marilyn picked her five and I am happy to say that she included me on her list.  That was so thoughtful and I appreciate your kind recommendation, Marilyn!  <big blog hug inserted here>  Thank you!!

I have never met Marilyn but she is a blogging buddy! She is one of the first people I did not know that left kind words on my blog.  She still takes the time to leave comments on all my is so nice to read her considerate and encouraging words!  Regarding her blog: her creations are wonderful and her blog I recommend following!    She has placed in the last two JustRite Challenges <cyber high five> and her badges fill her page.  Boy Scouts would be envious of all of those  badges!  Pay her a visit and become a is worth it!

Here are my favorite five:

Janice at Stuff and Things (  Janice is one of my best friends and she is the one that got me started on card making.  She is one of the Crafty Girls and her nickname "Gamsol Gal" fits her perfectly.  She has the patience and talent to color the most amazing stamped images.  I think the designers of House Mouse have made all of their stamps with her in mind!  She is a multi crafting gal (she also dabbles in painting, photography, sewing, beading, crochet, scrapbooking) and she makes the best snickerdoodles (you will have to take my word for it). 

Regina at My World My Solitude ( I believe she is the first person to comment on my blog in January.  Her comments were so sweet and the comments since have been!  She has fantastic cards and has won/placed in several JustRite Challenges.  Her work with Spellbinders is unbelievable and she is trying out for the Spellbinders design team! 

Shona at Dog Fur in My Glue ( Another JustRite buddy and fellow dog lover!  She is also winner/placer in JustRite challenges.  Her card colors are beautiful and no two card layouts are the same.  She is very creative and that is an understatement! I enjoy all of her cards and all of her comments!

Valerie ( Valerie is another Crafty Girl member.  I nicknamed her the Renaissance Woman.  She must operate on 3 hours sleep or something:  her creative juices are always flowing and she produces amazing crafts.  Paper crafting is not her only should see the gloves she has knitted and crocheted.  Just awe inspiring!

Quietfire Creations ( I recommend Quietfire Creations as my fifth because they have the most interesting, wide range of paper crafting ideas.  You can learn so many new techniques and ideas.  One of the ladies there (Suzanne) is so great and some of the other design team members have left lovely comments on my blog.

Thanks again, Marilyn.  And thanks to my favorite five!  You all make blogging and paper crafting a pleasure!  <more hugs inserted here>


  1. Kathy tks. for accepting the reward . You were asking what HFC stood for --well it's heartfelt Creations they spellbinders have made dies especially for some of their stamp sets and the Delicate Asters is one of them .

  2. Congratulations on your award!!

    To answer your questions on my last blog post, the paper is 12 x 12 and it's absolutely gorgeous!! I found it at Hobby Lobby. And I do use a bow maker. I won one from 3 Girl Jam and it makes it so easy to create bows!! I hope you have a wonderful evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Big hugs to you and congrats on your award from Marilyn! Thank you for thinking of me!! So kind of you!! What a great circle of crafting friends we have! I love how your blog is growing! Every time I visit, I'm excited to see all that's new! Off to visit the other nominees! :)

  4. Awwww, aren't you the sweetest! Thank you so much!

  5. Congrats on the award and Thank you so much for mentioning me. You are just too sweet.

  6. Oh Gosh ! You made me blush. What nice things you've said. I'm confused though, who has the award, you, Marilyn or both of you ? Congrats to you!?(Sorry, have had migraine for six days straight, brain no longer functions)


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment...I really appreciate it!
Have a happy crafty day!